
「Customer is always number one」




2016年9月に設立、二周年目となる今年、中国、ベトナムにも現地法人を設立し、一層のグローバル化を推し進めて、皆様のご要望に誠心誠意お応えできるよう努力いたす所存です。 初年度は海外展示会への出店などにより、海外顧客数のUP、成果を上げることが出来ました。 これもひとえに日頃より皆様方のご厚情とご支援の賜物と心より感謝申し上げる次第でございます。何とぞなお一層のご指導ご鞭撻のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。


Our company Unialpha was established to promote the world through import / export overseas trade, and to contribute to society and customers, with

"Customer is always number one"

as corporate vision in 2016.

We aim for international mutual understanding, trust and development.

We strive to become familiar with national languages ​​every day, to ensure that customer service is thorough and prompt response is motto.

Established in September 2016, we will establish a local subsidiary in China and Vietnam this year, which is the second anniversary, to further promote globalization and strive to respond to everyone's wishes in good faith. In the first year, we were able to increase the number of overseas customers and achieve results by opening stores at overseas exhibitions. I would like to thank you very much for your continued support and generous support from everyone for your continued support. We appreciate your continued guidance and encouragement.



株式会社 ユニアルファ

若槻 拓飛